Monday, July 29, 2013

BB101 Business Communication - Group Project 2: Attending Job Interviews

Our Group member:

1. Fu Yu Qin 1001232254
2. Lum Chee Ching 1001334336
3. Chin Cheng Yee 1001334448
4. Zhang Guan Qun 1001233189
5. Ng Pooi Wei 1001333685

About our Blog:
We are BB101- Business Communication students from UCSI University. We have created a blog for assignment purpose to share interview tips and information.
Enjoy your visit. :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Prepare for Interviews

Prepare for interviews

Preparing an interview effectively enable you to ace the interview and make a terrific impression on the interviewer. Here are some tips on preparing the impressive interview.

1. Analyze the job
An important part of interview preparation is to take the time to analyze the job posting, or job description. Analyze what are the requirements that needed as a candidate of the company. You can list down your qualifications, experiences, and skills, professional and personal qualities that are required by the employer and are critical for success in the job. However, you should present yourself in a very positive way.

2. Research on the company
Learn about the organization before the interview because it will help you on preparing both answering the interview questions and ask the interviewer questions. The information on the organization you can access on its website or visit your campus career center, the library, company brochures and reports that will bring you up to date with the latest development of the company.

3. Prepare to answer questions
You should tackle the questions and practice answering the interview questions that might be asked during an interview and consider the answers that you will give. You can practice answering questions with a friend or family member. However, you should not memorize responses or rehearse so extensively to avoid your answers sound ‘canned’.

4. Get Your Interview Clothes Ready
Physical appearance plays a supporting role, so you should make sure your interview clothes are ready don’t wait until the last minute. When going for a professional position interview you must dress accordingly in business attire because employers are looking for candidates who exude professionalism.

5. Get Directions
It's important to know the interview location for your job interview as you must always arrive early for interview. Furthermore, leave some extra time for any traffic, parking, or unpredictable events. Use Google Maps, GPS to get directions if you're not sure where the place is.

Dress for Interview

 The dressing for interview

How to dress is an important part of the interview. An appropriate dressing can show a positive impression, so that it adding marks in front of the interviewer. There are different requirements between male and female dressing.
In the fashion era, ladies’ clothing are rich diversity, therefore their dressing issues become more complicated than men’s.

·      Women should dress in neat, decent, elegant as general principles. The clothing style, including color, pattern, size, and so on, the suit should be fit personal character and occupational requirement.
The attire of women generally is a suit (skirts is better), because it is the most common and secure dress. You will be elegant and confident in a tailored fit suit or skirt with a matching shirt, so that giving a nice impression. Do not wear too tight, too transparent and too exposed clothes. Do not wear short skirts (pants) or low neckline dress.
For the female job seekers’ makeup, remember that light makeup is always better than a heavy makeup.
Jewelry should be wear as less as possible.
·      In a modern society and the influence of social relations, people generally believe that “suit” is a modern professional dress for men’s formal attendance. You will look better in a dark suit, the grey and dark blue are good choices, which give people a stable and capable impression. And wearing the natural fabrics clothes.
The shirt must be long-sleeved, which is white or light blue without pattern.
A nice tie is also important for you. It can help you plus your marks.

No matter man or female, you should keep clean and neat. 

Common Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Most Common Interview Mistakes

Sufficient preparations enable you to win the job in an interview. Here are the top 10 most common job interview mistakes that a candidate for employment can make.

Top 10 Common interview mistakes to avoid

   1.     Lack of a good preparation: You must do research that related to the company.

   2.     Failure to highlight your achievements: You must sell yourself and emphasize your past achievements, accomplishments and your special skills.

   3.     Few words answers or talking too much: Interviewer is not expects your answers like saying wrong ideas, wrong things, too little, or too much.

   4.     Arriving late: Most serious mistakes in an interview. If you cannot attend the interview on time, you should apologize first for recovering this failure.

   5.     Body language failures: You should always be careful with your body language because body language might convey different information to the potential employer. 

   6.     Lack of integrity: You cannot say bad things about your previous colleagues and jobs, because you will give a bad impression to your interviewer.

   7.     Asking about salary: You cannot ask the salary that company will give, because this is a common mistake for each interview unless the interviewer asks your salary expectations.

   8.     Smoking before the interview: Smell of smoke will creating a bad impression to your interviewer.

   9.     Lying: You must being mature enough and honest when answering the question.

  10.   Not following up after the interview: You should send a thank you letter, note, or email after an interview to show that you are interested in the position.

Interview Tips

Interview tips 

Now more and more university students are graduate from different university at different parts of the world. However, there is a high unemployment rate in fresh graduates. How this could happen and here is some interview tips for the fresh graduates.

1. Punctuality 
You need to be punctual for the interviews as your responsibility as an interview candidate. You should arrive 5 minutes earlier at the place that you have been told for interview from the employer because this reflects your time management. This helps you to create a good impression for the employers and you have shown your respect towards the employer.

2. Rapport with the potential employers
Build a rapport with the potential employer by offering a firm and warm handshakes but waited for be seated and maintaining a good eye contact with interviewer. These rapports reflect a candidate’s trustworthiness, competitiveness and professionalism from the employer’s point of view. While a weak handshakes, poor body language and lack of eye contact with the potential employer may conveys that the candidate lack of confidence.

3. Responding to the questions
You should ‘be yourself’ when responding to the questions being asked by the interviewers. Besides that, you have to try to elaborate by giving examples instead of just answer with short sentences and answer the questions directly without giving some unnecessary explanations. Any information that you have been given to the employer must be honest and exact but answer every question according to your ability.

4. Promote your strength
As a fresh graduate, you might not have highly specialized skills and real world experience and you should not give the interviewer has a chance to pinpoint about your weaknesses. You might have some potential to offer so that you can more emphasis on your strength. It helps you a lot in winning the confidence of your interviewer.

5. Avoid Overconfidence
However, there are some fresh graduates feel that they can handle the situation that might happened in the future as long as they get the job position. Some of them don’t even understand what the job requirement is and they think that they can do it. You might get the job for the particular company but eventually you will feel the consequences. So, you should prove it to the employer instead of just saying it.